Monday, August 30, 2010


The Doodle:

The Analysis

Doc Says: It appears that my previous assumptions have been validated. By the looks of this artistic interpretation of your encounter with Sasquatch, you have clearly found what you are looking for. I would caution you to take this relationship slow however, It has been said that this man-beast has a very dis-agreeable palet. But hey, if you don't mind drinking from toilets, eating goose poop, and combing your man's hair with a rake then I will simply applaud you on your finding. If I were able to steer you in a more appropriate direction I would say to take yourself to wal-mart and get a pair of those shake weights, they should keep your imagination busy while drinking beer to your heart's content while in the woods.

She says: LOL that was SOOOOO random. WTF? BUT... I've always wanted to try shake weights! I'll let you know how that goes!


  1. lol the shake weight commercials are so sexual. It looks worse when the men do it :)

  2. Kater owns a pair of shake weights! Maybe you could borrow hers!! :D

  3. My shake weights came from Target as a gift, btw, and I RETURNED them. Ick!

  4. I wonder if they make Sasquatch sized shake weights...hmm..Double fister behind the head...
