Tuesday, August 31, 2010


The Doodle:

The Analysis:
Doc says:
Well, well, well...If you aren't just little Miss Suzie-Homemaker! All your cooking should come in handy when you attempt to perfect your man-luring. Though you clearly enjoy food (and we've established that you enjoy men) don't be fooled by cheesy pick up lines like "Do you like your eggs scrammbled, poached, or fertilized?" I would hate to see you end up an I-hop gone bad poster child. You over emphasized the popcorn and drink which leads me to believe that you aren't so sure about your own cooking abilities, I reccommend my lastest reading: Peanut Butter and Jelly For Dummies. Things could be worse, at my house the smoke detecter doubles as the oven timer!

Artist Says: :) Remind me not to eat dinner at your house! Just sayin'!

Monday, August 30, 2010


The Doodle:

The Analysis

Doc Says: It appears that my previous assumptions have been validated. By the looks of this artistic interpretation of your encounter with Sasquatch, you have clearly found what you are looking for. I would caution you to take this relationship slow however, It has been said that this man-beast has a very dis-agreeable palet. But hey, if you don't mind drinking from toilets, eating goose poop, and combing your man's hair with a rake then I will simply applaud you on your finding. If I were able to steer you in a more appropriate direction I would say to take yourself to wal-mart and get a pair of those shake weights, they should keep your imagination busy while drinking beer to your heart's content while in the woods.

She says: LOL that was SOOOOO random. WTF? BUT... I've always wanted to try shake weights! I'll let you know how that goes!

Sunday, August 29, 2010


The Doodle:

The Analysis

Doc says:
It appears that you have an undiagnosed evasive personality and it has you running to the woods to find your "Big fish", I'm not sure that drinking and taking mushrooms is the solution. Many others who have chosen this alternative self medication approach have been caught on television in heated battles with Sasquatch. I would assume he is not the big fish you are seeking and from what I see you don't want to "Mess with Sasquatch", no matter how clever you feel you are. My suggestion is that you stick to the city where your problems can remain lost amongst the millions of other mindless self medicated drones.

Artist says: Quite the analysis Doc! I have a feeling you were self medicating while coming up with this rubbish! :) In fact this doodle is simply a doodle of the things I seen while on my camping trip! I think you need some fresh air and a trip out of the city, then maybe you wouldn't be one of the many self medicated drones in the city you are referring to!
Although I do believe Sasquatch sounds a little better then some of the guys I've been dating recently!!

Saturday, August 28, 2010


The doodle:
The Analysis:

Doc Says:This is very interesting young lady, it appears that you had an extremely boring date, I see he took you to Cast Away and you nearly fell asleep (I don't blame you...quite a redundant movie, wow!) ... "Could this be haunting me", you ask? Well yes, this boring date appears to have contributed to your excessive Martini drinking...Your little light bulb can turn on all you want it to, but until this fantasy of some letter arriving actually happens, you will continue to wish that your phone was ringing. So keep trying to win that Nobel prize for peace and love. My recommendation to you is to just steer clear of men until one of those things actually happens.

She Says: I really didn't like the movie cast-away. How boring! Nor do I like Martini's, but I do love to indulge in a bit of alcohol from time to time. I think you're right about steering clear of men for a while, or at least until I meet a man worth my time! In the mean time I am going to kick back with some tunes, enjoy a cup of coffee or a show and have some "me" time. Thats what this doodle is about!

Friday, August 27, 2010


The Doodle The analysis:

Doc Says: This clearly signifies your desire to get up and fly away, problem is: Your inability to determine which way is up may cause you to end up in in numerous directions. Something you appear to already be aware of. You seem to think that the pot of gold (aka: buff Mexican man) is around the corner, however, it doesn't rain in Mexico. Ever, if I'm not mistaken. No rain, no rainbow, no buff Mexican. I hate to "rain" on your parade, but I see that you may be dealing with a personality disorder that may cause you to react irrationally, just be advised Not all Mexican men have these wonderfully groomed mustaches that you are in search of. Keep wishin and maybe it will happen when pigs fly.

Artist says: This doodle represents my need to be free. To create and design with out structure or rules. The day I made this piece I was in the mood to dance, be free and be silly. I felt too plugged into the world and really just wanted to have an outlet to release it all!
BUT I would take a hot Spanish man if he landed on my door step!

Thursday, August 26, 2010


The doodle:
Doc says: Well...If I am ever caught doodling something of this nature, I will seek my own professional therapist. It does however, appear to me that this excessive use of makeup is related to unfulfilled sexual fantasies that my be eating at you. You may need to find an outlet for this lack of male interaction before you end up unrecognizable under all of this woman paint! Be careful, I have seen cases of this exact nature resulting in an entire family of circus clowns!

Artist Says: Agreed!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


The Doodle:
Doctors Analysis: After trying to wrap my head around all that is going on in this picture, I realized what this doodle really is; It's a rainy day in the life of "The Artist"... Starting with blogging in simply a t-shirt. On rainy days she likes to watch tv and eat popcorn. A music teacher clearly broke her heart, but she figures hey, he was cheesy anyways, plus, there's no ring on her finger. She really wishes she could go to the beach! Instead, she settles for a burger and some wine at a restaurant with center pieces, but it's under $20.00. She gets herself home by 9 and has the "Snakes and the Bees" runnin' through her head again, hence the clearly obvious... Hot Dogs and nuts, Baby bottles and love letters.

Artist says: This doodle OBVIOUSLY signifies my independence. I don't need a ring on my finger to have a successful and full filling life. From babies to a career- I do it on my own!
What your analysis?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I doodle ALLLLL the time. Whether I am sitting at the computer, talking on the phone, or watching television. Call it ADD, call it an artistic passion, call it whatever you want. The fact is, I have tons of pages of doodle just lying around waiting for the world to see them. They are nothing special. In fact they are complete and total randomness.

One day I decided to picture text my friend "The doctor" (who really isn't a doctor) a picture of my doodles. A few minutes later he responded with an analysis of what my doodles "meant."

They were no where near accurate, but it made me laugh out loud.

So it continued. Every time I made a doodle page I sent it to "The Doctor". Every time he'd shoot me back with what my "brain" was really thinking while my hands created these master pieces.

After many laugh out loud texts, we decided to make this blog.

I'll do the doodles, he'll write the analysis, and you get to enjoy.

You can also play along by posting your analysis of each doodle in the comment section below! If you're a doodler you can also play along by clicking the "Ask Doc" page above, and submitting your picture to the email listed! We'll post your doodle along with the doctors analysis A.S.A.P!

We promise this blog is "Just what the doctor ordered!"

So sit down grab an old copy of TIMES and the Doctor will be right with you!